Insights > Case Study : Boosting Core Web Vitals and opening up new revenue streams


Case Study : Boosting Core Web Vitals and opening up new revenue streams

Case Study : Boosting Core Web Vitals and opening up new revenue streams

As a digital agency specialising in headless CMS and a partner of Sanity, we've closely followed the revamp of BrightonSEO's digital presence. The transition from a traditional WordPress setup to a modern, composable system utilising Sanity and Next.js represents a significant leap forward in content management and website performance.

The challenges BrightonSEO faced with WordPress—such as subpar Core Web Vitals scores, inflexibility in content management, and security vulnerabilities due to reliance on numerous plugins—highlight the limitations of monolithic CMS in managing dynamic, content-rich websites. The strategy to employ Sanity's headless architecture not only addressed these issues but also leveraged the benefits of decoupled content management systems.

The improvement in website performance, security, and user experience post-transition is noteworthy. By adopting a headless CMS, BrightonSEO has gained flexibility in content management, enabling them to deliver a richer, more engaging user experience. The ability to customise the editing experience and manage content more intuitively has empowered BrightonSEO's team to maintain their site more effectively, reducing dependency on developers for site updates and adjustments.

The structured content model introduced with Sanity facilitates better organisation and reuse of content. This approach not only enhances SEO and the user experience but also opens up new possibilities for content delivery and interaction. The My Schedule feature, for instance, is a significant value-add for conference attendees, offering personalised schedules linked to detailed talk and speaker information.

The shift to Sanity has enabled BrightonSEO to explore new revenue streams and community engagement strategies. The flexibility of a composable content system allows for the integration of new features, such as a custom mobile app and direct sponsor interactions, which can significantly enhance the attendee experience and create additional revenue opportunities.

This is a great case study of BrightonSEO's transition to Sanity, which underscores the transformative potential of headless CMS architectures. It showcases how businesses can overcome the limitations of traditional CMS platforms to achieve better performance, greater security, and enhanced user engagement.

As partners of Sanity, we loved this successful implementation and see it as a compelling example of how headless CMS solutions can drive digital innovation and business growth.

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We'd outgrown our WordPress setup as our events grew and became more complex. Moving to a modern, future-proof headless solution using Sanity and Next.js means we move much faster with new initiatives. It only took two days to launch a new website for our first US conference!